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Fish Camp for Middle School Students

Through our educational foundation, schools are able to submit grants for activities or items for the amount equalling $3 x # of students. These small grants can purchase materials, technology, or support programs. For three years, we submitted and were granted funds to hold a program in August before school begins for incoming 7th graders. Think Fish Camp in high school or college. We have six feeder elementary schools, so we meet with the counselors or administrators at each school to request they invite 10-20 students who are At-Risk and/or could truly benefit from getting to know their new middles school and teachers before everyone else.

We started with three half days and then moved to two half days. The funds provide transportation, faculty, lunch, and necessary supplies to help organize the students for the year (binders, dividers, etc.). The students are divided into groups/teams and are given schedules to follow to get used to changing classes and finding their way around. They are given a detailed school tour and get to meet teachers and receive an introduction to Science, Social Studies, ELAR, and Math. We have also worked on Team Building and working with our Counselor and Student Success Facilitator.

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