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Text to Self Connections with Fangirl

I just finished Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I love a good romance. Always have and probably always will. The story of two people meeting and falling in love just pulls me in and makes me root for them.

I learned something new with this book. I didn't know what fanfiction was, and I have never read any. However, I have written fanfiction . . . in my head . . . for years. When I finish a book, especially those I loved and can't stop thinking about, I rewrite parts using the characters. I change endings, parts of the story leading up to or after the climax, and more. I just never put it on paper, and I had no idea it was fanfiction and that people write this to share on the internet. As I read, I found a few text to self connections. College Student Cath finds herself in college with a dorm roommate she hasn't met, has't talked to before moving in, and extremely unsure of the college life. She would rather stay in her room, not talk to others, and really just keep to herself. She is more of an introvert, quiet, and studious. All of that explains me, the college Junior moving into a dorm and onto a 4 year campus. I had attended a local Junior College, so I knew how the whole class/schedule thing worked, but outside of that, I was lost. I had never spoken to my roommate, Betsy, until we met when I moved in. Like Reagan, Betsy was caught up with guys and school. Well, one guy. The one who would become her husband the end of that year. She went for a run every morning, and when she wan't in class or with her boyfriend/fiancé, she was working. I had my room to myself unless she was there in between classes or before/after work. If it wasn't for Anne, the girl I met at Transfer Day, I probably wold have spent 2 years held up in my room, not eating in the cafeterias b/c that took too much energy and was full of so many unknowns, going home every weekend, and not getting to know anyone (including my suite-mates). I will forever be grateful for Anne turning to me that day and saying, "Want to meet for lunch on Monday?" Anne, like Reagan did for Cath, got me out of my room and into the cafeteria and around campus. I hated that I was the third wheel a lot with her and her longtime boyfriend (and future husband), but she was a great friend who got me through. I became friends with her roommate, Brenda, and the three of us got an apartment my Senior year. Looking back, I wish I had had a slightly different college experience those last two years, but they encapsulate who I was at that time. (Nope, no connection to the whole meet boy, date, fall in love part. I did not get my M-R-S. degree.) Writer At one point in the book, Cath talks about how she has lots of words and they are all leaving her through her various modes of and reasons for writing. Most of my life, I have not enjoyed writing. Well, I guess I can't really say that. When you are an English Major, you write a lot. If you give me a purpose for writing, I will do the research and get the work done. I love writing curriculum, searching for ideas, putting things in a new way. I do not like writing if it going to involve my emotions or looking deep inside. I do everything I can do put it off or not do it, like Cath and her Fiction-Writing Assignment. Unlike Cath, I haven't had a parent leave or anything, but I guess, I either have some undealt with thoughts/feelings or I just don't like to cry. If I have to write something personal, even something like this, I become quite teary. (That was difficult to admit.) As a writer, I write and write, mess with it, edit it, change it, and more until I have to absolutely turn it in. I just don't ever think it is good enough. However, I am a much bigger writer than talker. Let me text or email someone rather than call or meet someone in person. Through writing, I can think through my thoughts, choose the right words, and take my time putting my thoughts out there.

The one thing this book did for me is make me want to write more. Not sure if I will write down my fanfiction, dig deeper into my personal thoughts and ideas, or use Professor Piper's suggestion of taking personal ideas/experiences, tearing them a part and changing them while putting them in a different time period or situation. Whatever I do, I plan to write.

Written for The Literacy Triad by Micheal Kessner, Ed.D.

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