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Young Ladies and Their Books

With 10-12 days to go before Christmas, The Literacy Triad took 9 young ladies and future leaders on a Girl Scout camping trip. It was a great weekend!

They are at the age that we can give them a set of materials and a few directions and they go with it. They make the decisions, make sure everyone has a part, and get the task finished. They are going to be amazing when they are older! (Not that they aren't pretty amazing right now!)

The one thing that stood out to me was the amount of time spent discussing books. Our girls have different backgrounds, go to 5 different schools, and are in 4 different grades. They get along, work well with one another, and are a great group of girls. They talk about all kinds of things, but this time, many of the conversations were dominated by discussions of books, characters, movies, and actors.

The group in my truck heading to camp discussed The Hunger Game series and the characters. They brought in some discussion of the movies and actors, but most of them had not seen the movies, so they talked in depth about the book, characters, plot, and more. It was wonderful listening to them. Those riding in the other truck also discussed books. One young lady took a popular song on the radio and changed the words to sing a song about writing.

Two young ladies slept very little our first night because they stayed up all night discussing the Divergent series and the characters.

Most of the girls in the older girl cabin had books to read before lights out (and on the ride to/from camp). Some of the girls in the younger girl cabin has books too.

On the way home, the girls in my truck switched books with one another so everyone could catch up with the others. Lots of reading took place!

I am so excited that our girls not only share life experiences, gain leadership skills, and learn survival and life skills together, but they discuss academic topics and are avid readers.

This post was written for The Literacy Triad by Micheal J. Kessner, Ed.D.

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